Esta nueva experiencia en mi vida me enseño a ver un poco mas alla, a romper paradigmas como "YO NO PUEDO", en estos ocho dias que pude compartir con mis veintinueve compañeros y la Teacher que si se puede, esto y mucho mas. Tengo la oportunidad de trabajar con la diversidad de informacion que hay para comprender otros Idiomas por medio de la Tecnologia aprendiendo a (curucutear) buscar en este mundo de la informatica.
Muchisimas Gracias Teacher por esta experiencia tan maravillosa co lo es el MUNDO MAGICO DEL INGLES.
Hace dos años mi vida dio un cambio sorprendente en la cual se me abrieron muchas puertas junto a mi hija, una de mis metas era seguir creciendo profesionalmente a pesar de que en el 2010 me inscribi para hacer mi sueño realidad solo llegue a la Pre Inscripcion del Post Grado, hoy en dia me encuentro aqui con distintos compañeros con los cuales comparto cada noche el Ingles Instrumental y viendo el inicio de mi nueva gran meta ser Magister en Gerencia Empresarial.
sábado, 12 de febrero de 2011
UNIDAD IV Organización de un Parrafo
Existen varios tipos de patrones de organización entre los cuales podemos contar:
la definición o explicación, •las instrucciones,•secuencia u ordenamiento del tiempo, •la descripción, •la narración, •comparación y •contraste, entre otros.
la definición o explicación, •las instrucciones,•secuencia u ordenamiento del tiempo, •la descripción, •la narración, •comparación y •contraste, entre otros.
Turbine: rotary engine which means that the kinetic energy of a moving fluid is converted into mechanical energy by causing a bladed rotor to rotate.
Quality Measure of excellence or state of being free from defects, deficiencies, and significant variations. ISO 8402-1986 standard defines quality as "the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bears its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs.
Statistics: this is the science of the collection, organization, and interpretation of data. It deals with all aspects of this, including the planning of data collection in terms of the design of surveys and experiments.
Alexandre Gustave Eiffel: He was born on December 15, 1832; a French engineer and entrepreneur, specialist of metallic structures.
Born in Dijon, Côte-d'Or, France, he is most famous for building the Eiffel Tower, built from 1887-1889 for the 1889 Universal Exposition in Paris, France. It is less well known that he designed the armature for the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor, USA. He gained his expertise in construction by designing ironwork for bridges.
Later Gustave Eiffel also designed La Ruche in Paris, that would, like the Eiffel Tower, become a city landmark. A three-storey circular structure that looked more like a large beehive, it was created as a temporary structure for use as a wine rotunda at the Great Exposition of 1900.
Eiffel's reputation suffered a severe setback when he was implicated in financial scandals round Ferdinand de Lesseps and the entrepreneurs backing the failed French Panama Canal project. Eiffel himself had no connection with the finances, and his guilty judgment was later reversed.
In his later years Eiffel began to study aerodynamics.
Eiffel died on December 27, 1923 in his mansion on Rue Rabelais in Paris and was interred in the Cimetière de Levallois-Perret, in Paris.
In English his surname is most often pronounced in the German fashion, rather than in the French fashion.
Born in Dijon, Côte-d'Or, France, he is most famous for building the Eiffel Tower, built from 1887-1889 for the 1889 Universal Exposition in Paris, France. It is less well known that he designed the armature for the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor, USA. He gained his expertise in construction by designing ironwork for bridges.
Later Gustave Eiffel also designed La Ruche in Paris, that would, like the Eiffel Tower, become a city landmark. A three-storey circular structure that looked more like a large beehive, it was created as a temporary structure for use as a wine rotunda at the Great Exposition of 1900.
Eiffel's reputation suffered a severe setback when he was implicated in financial scandals round Ferdinand de Lesseps and the entrepreneurs backing the failed French Panama Canal project. Eiffel himself had no connection with the finances, and his guilty judgment was later reversed.
In his later years Eiffel began to study aerodynamics.
Eiffel died on December 27, 1923 in his mansion on Rue Rabelais in Paris and was interred in the Cimetière de Levallois-Perret, in Paris.
In English his surname is most often pronounced in the German fashion, rather than in the French fashion.
viernes, 11 de febrero de 2011
Resumen de lectura sobre liderazgo
A continuación se muestra texto en inglés tomado como ejemplo para la clase de Ingles Instrumental en fecha 07-02-11
Effective leadership does not come from mere knowledge about what successful leaders do; or from trying to emulate the characteristics or styles of noteworthy leaders; or from trying to remember and follow the steps, tips, or techniques from books or coaching on leadership. And it certainly does not come from merely being in a leadership position or in a position of authority or having decision rights. This paper, the sixth of six pre-course reading assignments for an experimental leadership course developed by HBS professor emeritus Michael C. Jensen and coauthors, accompanies a course specifically designed to provide actionable access to being a leader and the effective exercise of leadership as one's natural self-expression. Key concepts include:
· One of the conditions for realizing the promise of the leadership course is that students must be open to examine, question, and then transform their worldviews (models of reality) and frames of reference (mindsets).
· Students create for themselves a powerful 4-part contextual framework that calls them into being as a leader.
En conjunto con mis compañeros: Elvis,Edwards, karina, Wilkaren y Annys, acordamos la siguiente traducción resumida:
El liderazgo efectivo no viene solo del conocimiento sobre lo que hacen los líderes acertados; o de intentar emular las características o los estilos de líderes significativos; o de intentar recordar y seguir los pasos, o las técnicas de los libros de dirección. Ciertamente no viene de estar en una posición de dirección o en una posición de autoridad o de tomar decisiones correctas . Este estudio, es el sexto de seis asignaciones de lectura del pre-curso para un curso experimental de la dirección, realizado por el profesor honorario de HBS Michael C. Jensen y los co-autores, acompañado de un curso diseñado específicamente para proporcionar acciones para ser un líder y el ejercicio eficaz de la dirección como una expresión natural. Los conceptos claves incluyen:
Una de las condiciones para llevar a cabo el curso de liderazgo es que los estudiantes deben estar abiertos a examinar, preguntar, y después transformar sus puntos de vista y marcos de referencia.
Los estudiantes crean para sí mismos un marco del contexto de cuatro partes de gran alcance que los impulse hacia el liderazgo.
UNIDAD III Aproximacion Al Texto
En esta unidad se presentan diferentes estrategias de lectura para la comprensión de un texto con un nivel de dificultad básico e intermedio.
All engineers work at planning, designing, implementing and controlling the systems that represent the way people use technology. The systems that are the subject of Industrial Engineering design are broad and are characterized by a need to integrate both the physical and decision making capabilities of humans together with all other aspects of the system design. Problems range from the design of a work method and work station, to the design of a factory layout and methods of controlling the flow of materials on the factory floor, to the design of an overall corporate plan involving materials procurement, production, inventory and distribution. The idea of a factory is also extended to include health care systems, municipal systems, transportation systems; in fact all the systems that are essential to the functioning of modern society. Systems that facilitate effective decision making and implementation in areas such as scheduling, inventory, and quality control are typical of industrial engineering.
· De acuerdo al título y la imagen, ¿cuál cree usted que es el tópico que está a punto de leer?
Según lo mostrado por la imagen, podría decirse que es un profesor, explicándoles un grafico a sus alumnos.
· ¿Cuál es la idea general del texto?
Habla acerca de la tecnología, y de cómo el ingeniero industrial representa la forma en que las personas hacen uso de la misma.
· ¿Qué palabras se repiten?
Systems, design, work, factory, methods, controlling, materials.
· ¿Que palabras se parecen al español?
Engineers: ingenieros
Systems: sistemas
Industrial: industrial
Humans: humanos
Problems: problemas
Materials: materials
Plan: plan
Production: produccion
Decision: decision
Control: control
· ¿Cuáles son las palabras en negrita, el titulo, subtitulo o gráficos que te ayudan a entender el texto?
La imagen da una idea de lo que podría ser el texto, pero al leer el primer párrafo se ven las palabras “engineers”, “technology”, “systems”, y esto muestra que el texto es acerca de los ingenieros, los sistemas que usan para el máximo desarrollo de la tecnología.
· ¿De qué trata el texto? Lee el primer párrafo y el último o la ultimas ideas del último párrafo.
Este habla acerca de la materia o la función que cumplen los ingenieros industriales, la capacidad de la toma de decisiones, de los planes en las fábricas.
Parte 3:
Biography of Leonardo Torres Quevedo
Torres was born on 28 December 1852, on the Feast of the Holy Innocents, in Santa Cruz de Iguña, Molledo (Cantabria), Spain. The family resided for the most part in Bilbao, where Leonardo's father worked as a railway engineer, although they also spent long periods in his mother's family home in the Cantabrian Mountain. In Bilbao he studied to enter an advanced high school program and later spent two years in Paris to complete his studies. In 1870, his father was transferred, bringing his family to Madrid. The same year, Torres began his higher studies in the Official School of the Road Engineers' Corps. He temporarily suspended his studies in 1873 to volunteer for the defense of Bilbao, which had been surrounded by Carlist troops during the Third Carlist War. Returning to Madrid, he completed his studies in 1876, fourth in his graduating class.He began his career with the same train company for which his father had worked, but he immediately set out on a long trip through Europe to get to know the scientific and technical advances of the day firsthand, especially in the incipient area of electricity. Upon returning to Spain, he took up residence in Santander where he financed his own work and began a regimen of study and investigation that he never abandoned. The fruit of these investigations appeared in his first scientific work in 1893. He married in 1885 and had eight children.
· When was he born?
He was born on 28 December 1852
· Where was he born?
He was born in Spain
· When was he married?
He was married on 1885
· When did he finish his career?
He did in 1876
UNIDAD II Estructuracion de la Oracion
En esta unidad se abordan los diferentes elementos que conforman la oración, tales como: la frase nominal y la frase verbal.
Dentro de la frase verbal se estudian con detalle las diferentes manifestaciones del verbo.
Industrial engineers determined the most effective ways to use the basic factors of production; people, machines, materials, information, and energy to make a product or to provide a service. They’re the bridge between management goals and operational performance. They’re more concerned with increasing productivity through the management of people, methods of business organization, and technology than are engineers in other specialties, who generally work more with products or processes. Although most industrial engineers work in manufacturing industries, they may also work in consulting services, healthcare, and communications.
Dentro de la frase verbal se estudian con detalle las diferentes manifestaciones del verbo.
•Asimismo, se identifican los elementos referenciales que existen dentro de un texto
•Cabe destacar que hasta esta unidad se analiza la micro estructura de la lengua.
Industrial engineers determined the most effective ways to use the basic factors of production; people, machines, materials, information, and energy to make a product or to provide a service. They’re the bridge between management goals and operational performance. They’re more concerned with increasing productivity through the management of people, methods of business organization, and technology than are engineers in other specialties, who generally work more with products or processes. Although most industrial engineers work in manufacturing industries, they may also work in consulting services, healthcare, and communications.
•To solve organizational, production, and related problems most efficiently, the industrial engineer is carefully, study the product and its requirements synchronize, use mathematical methods such as operations research to meet those requirements, and design manufacturing and information systems. They develop management control systems to aid in financial planning and cost analysis and design production planning and control systems to coordinate activities and ensure product quality. They also design or improve systems for the physical distribution of goods and services. A precise Industrial engineer determines which plant location has the best combination of raw materials availability, transportation facilities, and costs. Industrial engineers use computers for simulations and to control various activities and devices, such as assembly lines and robots. They also develop wage and salary administration systems and job evaluation programs. Many industrial engineers move around management positions because the work is closely related.
Idea Principal:
The industrial engineer is carefully, study the product and its requirements synchronize, use mathematical methods such as operations research to meet those requirements, and design manufacturing and information systems.
Los ingenieros industriales determinan las formas más efectivas de usar los factores básicos de producción, personas, máquinas, materiales, información, energía y hacer un producto o prestar un servicio. Son el puente entre los objetivos de gestión y el rendimiento operativo. Ellos están más preocupados con el aumento de la productividad a través de la gestión del personal, métodos de organización empresarial, y la tecnología que son ingenieros de otras especialidades, que suelen trabajar más con los productos o procesos. Aunque la mayoría de los ingenieros industriales trabajan en la industria manufacturera, también pueden trabajar en servicios de consultoría, asistencia sanitaria, y las comunicaciones.
Para resolver la producción de la organización, y los problemas relacionados de modo más eficaz, el ingeniero industrial con cuidado, estudia el producto y sincroniza sus necesidades, utiliza los métodos matemáticos, tales como la investigación de operaciones para satisfacer esas necesidades, y sistemas de fabricación y diseño de información. Se desarrollan sistemas de control de gestión para ayudar en la planificación financiera y análisis de costes y planificación de la producción de diseño y sistemas de control para coordinar las actividades y garantizar la calidad del producto. También diseñan o mejoran los sistemas para la distribución física de bienes y servicios. Un preciso ingeniero industrial determina qué ubicación de la planta tiene la mejor combinación de disponibilidad de materias primas, medios de transporte y los costos. Los ingenieros industriales utilizan ordenadores para la simulación y el control de diversas actividades y dispositivos, tales como líneas de montaje y robots. También desarrollan sistemas de administración de sueldos y salarios y los programas de evaluación del trabajo. Muchos ingenieros industriales se mueven en torno a posiciones de gestión porque el trabajo está estrechamente relacionado.
Tres oraciones:
· Industrial engineers determined the most effective ways to use the basic factors of production.
Nucleo: Engineers
Nucleo: Engineers
Frase nominal: Industrial engineers .
Frase Verbal: determined the most effective ways to use the basic factors of production.
Modificador: Industrial
Tiempo Verbal: Pasado simple
Modificador: Industrial
Tiempo Verbal: Pasado simple
· Industrial engineers use computers for simulations and to control various activities and devices, such as assembly lines and robots.
Nucleo: Engineers
Nucleo: Engineers
Frase nominal: Industrial engineers
Frase Verbal: use computers for simulations and to control various activities and devices, such as assembly lines and robots.
Tiempo Verbal: Presente simple.
Frase Verbal: use computers for simulations and to control various activities and devices, such as assembly lines and robots.
Tiempo Verbal: Presente simple.
Pre Modificador: Industrial
· Many industrial engineers move around management positions because the work is closely related.
Nucleo:Industrial engineers
Nucleo:Industrial engineers
Frase nominal: Many industrial engineers
Frase Verbal: move around management positions because the work is closely related.
Tiempo Verbal: Presente simple.
Frase Verbal: move around management positions because the work is closely related.
Tiempo Verbal: Presente simple.
Pre modificadores: Many
Post Modificadores:move around management positions because the work is closely related.
UNIDAD I Uso del Diccionario
La utilizacion del Diccionario es para conocer el uso de la palabra y su ortografía, así como su función gramatical.
Aplicacion :
Industrial engineers determined the most effective ways to use the basic factors of production; people, machines, materials, information, and energy to make a product or to provide a service. They’re the bridge between management goals and operational performance. They’re more concerned with increasing productivity through the management of people, methods of business organization, and technology than are engineers in other specialties, who generally work more with products or processes. Although most industrial engineers work in manufacturing industries, they may also work in consulting services, healthcare, and communications.
To solve organizational, production, and related problems most efficiently, the industrial engineer is carefully, study the product and its requirements synchronize, use mathematical methods such as operations research to meet those requirements, and design manufacturing and information systems. They develop management control systems to aid in financial planning and cost analysis and design production planning and control systems to coordinate activities and ensure product quality. They also design or improve systems for the physical distribution of goods and services. A precise Industrial engineer determines which plant location has the best combination of raw materials availability, transportation facilities, and costs. Industrial engineers use computers for simulations and to control various activities and devices, such as assembly lines and robots. They also develop wage and salary administration systems and job evaluation programs. Many industrial engineers move around management positions because the work is closely related.
Palabras nuevas:
* Bridge: puente
* Develop: desarrollar
* Ensure: garantizar
* Improve: mejorar
* Raw: primas
* They’re: They are
Palabra de contenido
Machines: Maquinas
Materials: Materiales
Robots: robot
Palabra de función
Between: Entre
Around: Alrededor
Sustantivos: engineer,product
Adjetivos: , determined,raw
Adverbios: carefully
Verbos: work, make,precise
Conjunciones: and, or
Preposiciones: as, around
Articulos: a
Prefijos: synchronize,
Sufijos: generally, related
Cognados Falsos: Goals, significado: meta, Incorrecto Goles
Cognados Verdaderos: Engineers, Significado: Ingenieros
Factors, Significado: Factores
Information, Significado: Informacion
Energy, Significado: Energia
Basic, Significado: Basico
Idea Principal:
The industrial engineer is carefully, study the product and its requirements synchronize, use mathematical methods such as operations research to meet those requirements, and design manufacturing and information systems.
Los ingenieros industriales determinan las formas más efectivas de usar los factores básicos de producción, personas, máquinas, materiales, información, energía y hacer un producto o prestar un servicio. Son el puente entre los objetivos de gestión y el rendimiento operativo. Ellos están más preocupados con el aumento de la productividad a través de la gestión del personal, métodos de organización empresarial, y la tecnología que son ingenieros de otras especialidades, que suelen trabajar más con los productos o procesos. Aunque la mayoría de los ingenieros industriales trabajan en la industria manufacturera, también pueden trabajar en servicios de consultoría, asistencia sanitaria, y las comunicaciones.
Para resolver la producción de la organización, y los problemas relacionados de modo más eficaz, el ingeniero industrial con cuidado, estudia el producto y sincroniza sus necesidades, utiliza los métodos matemáticos, tales como la investigación de operaciones para satisfacer esas necesidades, y sistemas de fabricación y diseño de información. Se desarrollan sistemas de control de gestión para ayudar en la planificación financiera y análisis de costes y planificación de la producción de diseño y sistemas de control para coordinar las actividades y garantizar la calidad del producto. Tambien diseñan o mejoran los sistemas para la distribución física de bienes y servicios. Un preciso ingeniero industrial determina qué ubicación de la planta tiene la mejor combinación de disponibilidad de materias primas, medios de transporte y los costos. Los ingenieros industriales utilizan ordenadores para la simulación y el control de diversas actividades y dispositivos, tales como líneas de montaje y robots. También desarrollan sistemas de administración de sueldos y salarios y los programas de evaluación del trabajo. Muchos ingenieros industriales se mueven en torno a posiciones de gestión porque el trabajo está estrechamente relacionado.
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