viernes, 11 de febrero de 2011

UNIDAD III Aproximacion Al Texto

En esta unidad se presentan diferentes estrategias de lectura para la comprensión de un texto con un nivel de dificultad básico e intermedio.

All engineers work at planning, designing, implementing and controlling the systems that represent the way people use technology. The systems that are the subject of Industrial Engineering design are broad and are characterized by a need to integrate both the physical and decision making capabilities of humans together with all other aspects of the system design. Problems range from the design of a work method and work station, to the design of a factory layout and methods of controlling the flow of materials on the factory floor, to the design of an overall corporate plan involving materials procurement, production, inventory and distribution. The idea of a factory is also extended to include health care systems, municipal systems, transportation systems; in fact all the systems that are essential to the functioning of modern society. Systems that facilitate effective decision making and implementation in areas such as scheduling, inventory, and quality control are typical of industrial engineering.
·         De acuerdo al título y la imagen, ¿cuál cree usted que es el tópico que está a punto de leer?
Según lo mostrado por la imagen, podría decirse que es un profesor, explicándoles un grafico a sus alumnos.
·         ¿Cuál es la idea general del texto?
                 Habla acerca de la tecnología, y de cómo el ingeniero industrial representa la forma en que las personas hacen uso de la misma.

·         ¿Qué palabras se repiten?

Systems, design, work, factory, methods, controlling, materials.

·         ¿Que palabras se parecen al español?
           Engineers: ingenieros
           Systems: sistemas
           Industrial: industrial
           Humans: humanos
           Problems: problemas
           Materials: materials
           Plan: plan
           Production: produccion
           Decision: decision
           Control: control

·         ¿Cuáles son las palabras en negrita, el titulo, subtitulo o gráficos que te ayudan a entender el texto?
La imagen da una idea de lo que podría ser el texto, pero al leer el primer párrafo se ven las palabras “engineers”, “technology”, “systems”, y esto muestra que el texto es acerca de los ingenieros, los sistemas que usan para el máximo desarrollo de la tecnología.

·         ¿De qué trata el texto? Lee el primer párrafo y el último o la ultimas ideas del último párrafo.
Este habla acerca de la materia o la función que cumplen los ingenieros industriales, la capacidad de la toma de decisiones, de los planes en las fábricas.

Parte 3:
Biography of Leonardo Torres Quevedo
Torres was born on 28 December 1852, on the Feast of the Holy Innocents, in Santa Cruz de Iguña, Molledo (Cantabria), Spain. The family resided for the most part in Bilbao, where Leonardo's father worked as a railway engineer, although they also spent long periods in his mother's family home in the Cantabrian Mountain. In Bilbao he studied to enter an advanced high school program and later spent two years in Paris to complete his studies. In 1870, his father was transferred, bringing his family to Madrid. The same year, Torres began his higher studies in the Official School of the Road Engineers' Corps. He temporarily suspended his studies in 1873 to volunteer for the defense of Bilbao, which had been surrounded by Carlist troops during the Third Carlist War. Returning to Madrid, he completed his studies in 1876, fourth in his graduating class.
He began his career with the same train company for which his father had worked, but he immediately set out on a long trip through Europe to get to know the scientific and technical advances of the day firsthand, especially in the incipient area of electricity. Upon returning to Spain, he took up residence in Santander where he financed his own work and began a regimen of study and investigation that he never abandoned. The fruit of these investigations appeared in his first scientific work in 1893. He married in 1885 and had eight children.
·         When was he born?
He was born on 28 December 1852

·         Where was he born?
He was born in Spain

·         When was he married?
He was married on 1885

·         When did he finish his career?
He did in 1876

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